Hello nekretnine - besplatni oglasi, A new post has been created in NEKRETNINE BAJINA BAŠTA. Remove Post Author : Anonymous Link : http://nekretnina.weebly.com/stanovi---bajina-bascaronta.html?zpbw_postKey=yiiWoSM7gB0r9.oWQE65Dg Na prodaju stan od 86 m2,strogi centar grada,Bajina Basta. Tri spavace sobe,dnevni boravak sa trpezarijom,dve terase,podrum i zajednicke podrumske prostorije,aluminijumska stolarija,centralno grejanje,telifon. Klima,kablovska TV. Cena 55000 evra. Kontakt telefon : 0658627033. You are receiving this email because you are following that website. To stop receiving such messages, cancel the email alerts for your user in the Admin Panel .